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  • 资源名称:Pro PHP and jQuery 英文pdf

    This book is for intermediate programmers interested in building AJAX web applications using jQuery and PHP. Along with teaching some advanced PHP techniques, it will teach you how to take your dynamic applications to the next level by adding a Javascript layer with jQuery. 

    Learn to utilize built-in PHP functions to build calendar tools. 
    Learn how jQuery can be used for AJAX, animation, client-side validation, and more. 
    What you’ll learn 
    Use PHP to build a calendar application that allows users to post, view, edit, and delete events. 
    Use jQuery to allow the calendar app to be viewed and edited without requiring page refreshes using built-in AJAX functions. 
    Learn the power and versatility of PHP’s object-oriented programming style. 
    Learn the various forms of security available and how to best apply them. 
    Learn jQuery plug-in development patterns and create modular, reusable jQuery plug-ins. 
    Learn the basics of jQuery effects, including fading elements, generating HTML markup on the fly, and creating modal windows. 
    Who this book is for 
    This book is intended for programmers who want to bridge the gap between front- and back-end programming. It does not cover HTML or CSS except where absolutely necessary, and it focuses on taking intermediate PHP developers to the next level while getting comfortable with AJAX and the power of jQuery. 

    Author Information 
    Jason Lengstorf 
    Jason Lengstorf is a software designer and developer based in Missoula, MT. As the owner of Ennui Design, he specializes in creating custom web applications, ranging from simple informational web sites to full-fledged content management systems. When not glued to his keyboard, he’s likely standing in line for coffee, shopping for cowboy shirts, or pretending to know something about wine.



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