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  • 资源名称:Windows PowerShell 2 For Dummies 英文版

    Windows PowerShell 2 傻瓜入门学习资料使这 本书很适合的所有经验水平的开发人员。这本书涵盖了Windows PowerShell 2每一个新功能在一个友好、易于遵循的格式
    Prepare for the future of Microsoft automation with this no-nonsense guide Windows PowerShell 2 is the scripting language that enables automation within the Windows operating system. Packed with powerful new features, this latest version is complex, and Windows PowerShell 2 For Dummies is the perfect guide to help system administrators get up to speed. Written by a Microsoft MVP with direct access to the program managers and developers, this book covers every new feature of Windows PowerShell 2 in a friendly, easy-to-follow format. Windows PowerShell 2 is the updated scripting language that enables system administrators to automate Windows operating systems System administrators with limited scripting experience will find this book helps them learn the fundamentals of Windows PowerShell 2 quickly and easily Translates the jargon and complex syntax of Windows PowerShell 2 Covers script debugging improvements, the ability to invoke commands remotely, and the new user interface Uses real-world applications to clarify the theory, fundamentals, and techniques of the scripting language Written by a Microsoft MVP with direct access to the developers of Windows PowerShell 2 Windows PowerShell 2 For Dummies makes this tool easily accessible to administrators of every experience level. 



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