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  • 资源名称:Programming iOS 7, 4 edition(Matt Neuburg) 英文PDF

    If you’re grounded in the basics of Objective-C and Xcode, this practical guide takes you through the components you need for building your own iOS apps. With examples from real apps and programming situations, you’ll learn how to create views, manipulate view controllers, and use iOS frameworks for adding features such as audio and video.
    Learn how to create, arrange, draw, layer, and animate views—and make them respond to touch
    Use view controllers to manage multiple screens of material in a way that’s understandable to users
    Explore UIKit interface widgets in-depth, such as scroll views, table views, text, web views, and controls
    Delve into Cocoa frameworks for sensors, maps, location, sound, and video
    Access user libraries: music, photos, address book, and calendar
    Examine additional topics including files, threading, and networking
    New iOS 7 topics covered include asset catalogs, snapshots, template images, keyframe and spring view animation, motion effects, tint color, fullscreen views and bar underlapping, background downloading and app refresh, Text Kit, Dynamic Type, speech synthesis, and many others. Example projects are available on GitHub.

    Want to brush up on the basics? Pick up iOS 7 Programming Fundamentals to learn about Objective-C, Xcode, and Cocoa language features such as notifications, delegation, memory management, and key-value coding. Together with Programming iOS 7, you’ll gain a solid, rigorous, and practical understanding of iOS 7 development.



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