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    《生化危机4高清项目》是对整个游戏的完整图形重制。它包括增强的纹理、3D 模型、菜单、过场动画、预渲染视频、照明、视觉效果等。

    HD 项目还修复了某些声音错误和损坏/丢失的效果,这主要是由于多年来游戏多次移植而产生的。




    resident evil 4 HD project v1.0 (by Albert Marin Garau y Cris Morales)


    – This is not a remake, it’s a remaster created by fans, for fans.

    – The “resident evil 4 HD project” is a complete graphical remaster of the entire game. It includes enhanced textures, 3D models, menus, cutscenes, prerendered videos, lighting, visual effects, and more.

    – The HD project also fixes certain sound bugs and broken / missing effects, which arose mainly as a consequence of the many times the game has been ported through the years.

    – This package doesn’t include the entire game, only the files to upgrade the game.

    – You need to have an installed copy of the resident evil 4 PC port, released on Steam.

    – The HD project is compatible with all languages, including the Japanese version. It’s tested for version 1.0.6 & 1.1.0

    – Some mods are not compatible with this project. Please ask the modders who created your favorite mods to adapt them to the HD project if needed.

    – This HD pack won’t affect achievements or game saves.


    Processor: Intel® CoreTM 2 Quad 2,7 GHz or higher, AMD PhenomTM II X4 3 GHz or higher

    RAM: 4 GB

    Video Card RAM: 2GB (minimum)

    HDD: 38 GB (approximately)


    – Buy and install resident evil 4 on Steam (you can get great discounts on www.eneba.com).

    – Check your version of the game on the “PRESS ANY BUTTON” screen. The HD project has been tested with both 1.0.6 and 1.1.0 (the only difference between these two versions is the inclusion of 2 Chinese language options).

    – Get the HD project from the links at the bottom of this page (direct download and Torrent options are available).

    – Unpack the downloaded file. You’ll find 2 folders: ‘Bin32’ and ‘BIO4’.

    – Find your game installation path. The usual path is:

    C:\\\\\\\\Program Files (x86)\\\\\\\\Steam\\\\\\\\steamapps\\\\\\\\common\\\\\\\\Resident Evil 4

    – Inside this folder, you’ll see the original ‘BIO4’ and ‘Bin32’ subfolders.

    – Go to the downloaded ‘Bin32’ folder. Copy its contents and paste it inside the original ‘Bin32’ folder.

    – Delete the original ‘BIO4’ folder.

    – Copy the downloaded ‘BIO4’ folder and paste it in the ‘Resident Evil 4’ folder. DON’T OVERWRITE IT. DELETE THE ORIGINAL FIRST.

    – And that’s it! You can run the game with all of the HD project improvements.

    Don’t forget to read the “README” file inside the Bin32 folder! You’ll find out about new features and improvements that our colleagues “nipkow” and “emoose” have integrated to the game!


    Based on feedback and visual bugs people find, there will be future patches that correct these issues. If some major issue is found, an immediate patch will be released.

    What patch 1.0.1 fix:

        Invisible inventory items.

        Different EXE file patch method. The previous one didn’t do it exactly like the 4GBpatch tool. It generated some occasional random crashes.

        Chinese and Japanese corrupted/invisible text prompts that even caused some crashes.

        Major Desync issues during certain cutscenes.

        Anonymous Letter in chapter 2-1 missing texture when playing in French (crash).

        Spanish Item description texts restored.

        Corrupted Ashley Special 1 costume model in the cabin cutscene.

        Black eyes when Leon wears the tactical vest.

        Black Ada’s decap-head in The Mercenaries.

        No shooting effects when Luis fires in the cabin battle.

        Dozens of subtle visual inaccuracies.

        Some collision issues.

    Known issues:

        Even more dozens of subtle visual inaccuracies I have in my list

    陌佑网云资源 » 生化危机4高清项目/Resident Evil 4 HD Project 2022


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